Kalendarz Wydarzeń
Kalendarz wydarzeń
WERNISAŻ: Who Am I? | Wystawa prac Dahye Shim
Who Am I?
Wystawa prac Dahye Shim
Wystawa czynna: 11 – 19 kwietnia 2022 roku, dni robocze, 10.00 – 17.00
Wernisaż wystawy: 8 kwietnia 2022 roku, piątek, godz. 18.00
Galeria MIKO, KFK, ul. Mikołajska 2
Wstęp wolny. Liczba miejsc ograniczona.
Od Autorki:
The exhibition tells the whole story of my life starting from birth till the present. It also includes significant experiences and memories that I believe let me become the person I am today. The concept of my exhibition is the dilemma of whether or not I am a star or a planet. I refer to this metaphor of astronomy in order to present the confusion and struggles I have dealt with while growing up in Poland as a Korean girl and not being able to fit in in any of those cultures.
Who Am I?
Exhibition of works by Dahye Shim
The exhibition is open: April 11 - 19, 2022, working days, 10.00 - 17.00
Exhibition opening: April 8, 2022, Friday at 18.00
MIKO Gallery, KFK, ul. Mikołajska 2
Free entrance. Limited places.
From the author:
The exhibition tells the whole story of my life starting from birth till the present. It also includes significant experiences and memories that I believe let me become the person I am today. The concept of my exhibition is the dilemma of whether or not I am a star or a planet. I refer to this metaphor of astronomy in order to present the confusion and struggles I have dealt with while growing up in Poland as a Korean girl and not being able to fit in in any of those cultures.
ul. Mikołajska 2